GST a monumental reform, hit growth only for 2 quarters: Arun Jaitley
The GST implementation was a "monumental reform" which had disruptionist impact on growth only for two quarters, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said
Sunday, hitting out at "critics and cynics" who blame it for hurting the GDP expansion. The remarks come a day after former RBI Governor Raghuram
Rajan blamed the indirect taxation reform for derailing the India's growth story. Jaitley did not name Rajan. "You will always have critics and
cynics who will come up and say it (GST) slowed down India's growth," Jaitley said, speaking at state-run Union Bank of India's 100th anniversary
celebrations event here over a video link. The finance minister said after suffering for two quarters, growth increased to 7 per cent, then to 7.7
per cent and went up till 8.2 per cent last quarter and specifically pointed out that this is much higher than the 5-6 per cent expansion achieved
between 2012-14.